
Vern and Gloria Wagner

Camp Development NAB Missionaries Download Profile

Debriefing and Renewal

Published on May 19, 2022

We are hopeful that spring is just around the corner.

We have been busy visiting our supporting churches. It was so great to meet the people who have supported, prayed for, and cared for us over the last five years.

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Lots of Snow, but Not in Alberta

Published on February 20, 2022

Greetings from sunny Alberta – I can’t say snowy Alberta because we don’t have any snow here in southern Alberta. We are getting settled into our rental home in Red Cliff near our son and his family. Vern is busy being chore boy. He and Tuske (our Hungarian dog) love hanging out with the cows!

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To Everything There Is a Season

Published on November 10, 2021

The beginning of this season of living in Romania started in 2015 when God brought us here on a two-week mission trip to Camp Falcon Rock. It was on this trip we fell in love with the people and the country and began to sense God was calling us to something more.

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Get to know Vern and Gloria Wagner

When did you first know God was calling you to the mission’s field?

Vern: After we left Camp Caroline we started feeling like we were supposed to be doing something, but didn’t quite know what it was.

Gloria: After our trip to Romania in April 2015.

Who is someone that influenced you in your decision to serve as a missionary in a cross-cultural setting?

Vern: Prayer Counselor at Camp Caroline and our kids.

Gloria: Our daughter encouraged us to go on our first mission trip. Our Christian friends.

What life experiences did you have that helped you prepare to go overseas?

Vern: We’ve both been serving in the Church that we’ve been members of. We’ve worked at Camp Caroline in a close community. We’ve been on a short term mission trip to Romania. We have a rural family background. I think all that helped prepare us for what God is doing on our lives.

Gloria: Working at Camp Caroline.

What initial fears/concerns did you have about serving as a missionary overseas?

Vern: Being away from family & friends; communication.

Gloria: Leaving family and grandchildren behind; learning a new language.

What is something that would surprise others about mission work or the people you are called to serve?

Vern: How much the people in Romania love me as a foreigner.

Gloria: How blessed am I daily as I watch God work.

What advice would you give to those considering overseas missions?

Vern: Be patient.

Gloria: Have faith – Trust God.

How can people pray for you?

Vern: For patience.

Gloria: For adjusting to life in Romania away from family and grandchildren.

Country Facts

Romania NAB pastors and churches have decades of relationship with leaders in Romania, but it was in 2014 that the NAB formalized a ministry agreement to aid the Hungarian Baptist Convention of Romania in the development of Camp Falcon Rock. We are working together for the construction of a ministry center that will be instrumental in developing the next generation of Christian leaders for this country. Read More Facts View All Countries
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