Voices from the Field Kristi TenClay Get to know Kristi

Greetings from Kansas

Published on September 08, 2016
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Really brief greetings from KANSAS!

Only once in the last month and a half have I slept in the same bed for 7 nights in a row! It has been a crazy ride and I am exhausted, but I have enjoyed the many opportunities I have already had to visit so many friends and family in so many different places. But I am even more excited to finally be in Junction City, Kansas, settling into what will be “home” for the next 8 months. I am so blessed!

tenclayAs you can see on the schedule, my Sundays this fall are mostly filled up already. I also have several less concrete engagements after the new year. Send me an email at ktenclay@hotmail.com to discuss options for when I can visit your area!
I am somewhat disconnected from RFIS at this distance, but they are never far from my mind and heart, especially right now as they jump into a new school year. As I write this, the RFIS staff and students are already getting started and my students who are here in the US and Canada on home assignment are getting moved and settled into the places that will be ‘home’ for them this year. Please pray for them too, as they adjust to their new living and schooling situations.

I know this is REALLY short, but I wanted to get a quick letter out even though I don’t have a lot to stay. Keep an eye on my blog (www.tenclay.org/cameroon) and I will try to get some of what is happening in my life and the things I have been thinking and writing posted soon. I would also love to hear from you!

