Voices from the Field Paul and Melissa Ewing Get to know Paul and Melissa

Fellowshipping in Japan

Published on November 15, 2017

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Dear Friends and Family,

It’s been a busy 3 months getting caught back up with ministry, cleaning, organizing, and getting reacquainted with the many people that we minister to and just over all live life with. The boys are still running into past classmates on the train and getting caught up with each other.

Teaching Elijah the trains

The boys have jumped into their life here, Jonah is teaching Elijah the trains and the joy and freedom there is with being able to travel all over Osaka. They are finding their places again at school and, as a junior, Jonah is jumping in as part of the student council helping wherever there is need. Now that both boys are at the same school, and with that, only one school calendar to tackle, we find ourselves making the drive more often to participate in meetings and in order to volunteer.

Jonah coaching the elementary kids

Paul did not have much time for adjusting back as he needed to take over his field director position and leading the Komyo Church. He has had the privilege to attend various conferences in the Tokyo area, learning and fellowshipping with various missionaries. He is also on the JEMA, JBC, and KCS boards, so he is back to juggling various meetings alongside church and mission responsibilities.

In October, we had a great time of fellowship with the JBC youth. They came to our church for a day of teaching, fellowship, and ministry. The morning was spent looking at Matthew 14:22-36, taking a good look at Peter’s call to walk on the water with Jesus. We were then challenged to “Just do it, in Christ.” After themorning, we spent a few hours at the nursing home behind the church, singing and fellowshipping. The youth were blessed and energized seeing that yes, they too can “Just do it”, in doing the good works that God has already prepared for them. (Ephesians 2:10)

JBC Youth Fellowship and Ministry

Pastor’s Wives

Yuri and I had the pleasure of spending 24 hours with the JBC pastors’ wives, studying and fellowshipping. Due to location and schedules we often don’t have time to meet and fellowship with one another. This time was a wonderful blessing as we met, studied, and encouraged each other through prayer and conversation. Pray for these wives, many who have given up careers in order to work alongside their husbands and support the church ministry. They desire to see God glorified and see many come to Christ.

Komyo Christmas Schedule

  • 12/02 Gospel Café
  • 12/05 Ladies’ card stamping event
  • 12/09 Caroling at the nursing home
  • 12/16 Christmas movie and kids party
  • 12/24 a.m. Fourth Sunday of advent
  • p.m. Christmas Eve Candlelight service
  • 1/01 New Year’s Day celebration service


Yummy lunch (I miss this in America)

Please pray with us over our Christmas schedule. As the church celebrates and remembers that God’s love came to earth in human form, may we bring others along with us to enjoy and be introduced to His love.

Happy Thanksgiving and Christmas blessings to you all. May you all find time to be thankful and to ponder the joy of God’s love during the coming months.


Paul and Melissa
